This happens in several applications which can be configured to have a black background. When both the background and the mouse are black, the mouse cursor cannot be seen. On Windows Vista the mouse cursor is black when enter windows of some applications that have a black background. If they don't get it there, I hope someone from Microsoft (or a forum moderator) will forward the following report. I sent the following bug report via Microsoft's web site today. "Pac-Lab," 2017, foot print dimensions: 4 x 37.5 x 50, 122 x 11.43 x 15.Has anyone seen a hotfix or resolution to this cursor issue? I use a black background in some applications as well, and it is a pain because on Vista the mouse cursor disappears in many cases. As the characters in Beckett’s play are waiting for Godot, a symbolic longing for God or spiritual fulfillment, Ryman’s Heads look up to the sky with a similar longing and desire for attachment. For Ryman, the sculptures’ titles such as “The Essential Doesn’t Change”, “All Mankind is Us”, “Some Remain So”, and “Blaming the Shoes for the Fault of His Feet”, could also be read as truths regarding the human condition. Originally written in French then translated into English by Beckett in 1953, the play’s universal and philosophical themes have continued resonance.

Hand-sculpted in clay, which is then cast in resin, the Heads are titled with lines from Samuel Beckett’s, Waiting for Godot, 1948. Abstract in form, with varying apertures (or eyes), each is purposefully imperfect, similar in appearance to ancient Chinese Scholars’ Rocks. Surrounding the Place de la Fontaine aux Lions, Ryman will install seven sulfur-yellow sculpted “heads” ranging in height from 305 to 396 cm. Park visitors have the freedom to explore and choose their own journey through the maze. A monument suitable for our era, Pac-Lab reflects the constant choices and many paths we face daily - whether in a physical space or a virtual reality. While visually playful, Pac-Lab serves as a meditation on our contemporary consumer culture. This negotiation between the fundamental aspects of artistic creation and the influence of history on the artist’s work is a recurring theme for Ryman. Ryman hand-sculpted the walls of the maze in clay, creating the effect of a primitive monument each wall is painted a bold primary color (colors that recall our childhood associations of art-making, as well as the paintings of Piet Mondrian). In the Parc de la Villette’s Prairie du Cercle Nord which surrounds the iconic Geode of the Cite des Sciences et de L’industrie, Will Ryman (American, b.1969) will install Pac-Lab, a series of walls and pathways designed to mimic a videogame maze in large-scale, which visitors can enter and navigate.